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Implementation Options (cont.)Python/SimPy Quickly make extensive changes Implicit documentation on object model Speed? Data-driven model Avoids type explosion Gloveboxes instantiated from specification files ` MG MGPython Model: FacilityInitializes the simulation, instantiates and then activates all the gloveboxes, and finally starts the simulation Triggers cleanings and writings of inventory Specifies duration of simulation Naming service for gloveboxes Python Model: GloveboxesCFive types of gloveboxes Generator Dummy Sampling Standard NoTarget&++; Python Model: Standard Glovebox(Represents processing gloveboxes Vacuum system for dust recovery Receives material, processes it, ships it on, and accumulates by-products like scrap and holdup Performs regular batches in a 24-hour period Holdup split into equipment and glovebox Scrap and holdup largest contributors to sigma-ID))7Python Model: Accumulation of By-products in a Glovebox  Python Model: Cleanings2Glovebox cleanings scheduled by Cleanup object Routine cleanings (IIV), E.g., changing filters Scrap gathered by vacuum system removed A portion of equipment holdup removed, split into scrap and waste streams Thorough annual cleaning (PIV) Scrap and all of removable equipment and glovebox holdup extractedl_rC_r )Python Model: Writing InventoryThe WriteInv object requests that gloveboxes write their inventories Inventory consists of: Material in cans waiting to be processed Material in process Scrap Equipment holdup Glovebox holdup*\ZdZ\dSimPyDiscreet-event simulation framework in Python Active objects are Processes that access Resources Gloveboxes, Cleanup, and WriteInv are ProcessesSample Classes: Facility  Sample Classes: Facility (cont.) Sample Classes: Cleanup ResultsCEach glovebox records events, e.g., powder_in 1.000000 25.000000 3.000000 48 20.000000 powder_in, material received by the glovebox 1.000000, Pu weight in kgs 25.000000, total weight of can + material 3.000000, simulation time in hours 48, unique identifier of can 20.000000, weight of empty can (i.e., tare weight) @$9$9* Results (cont.)Other recorded events: powder_out, scrap_out, waste, to_be_processed, in_process, scrap_inv, glovebox_holdup, sample_out, and equipment_holdup Using a three year-old Linux box and running the model for an entire year, the simulation runs in less than a minute,]  StatisticsOutput is a series of data files, one for each glovebox Further calculations occur in R (formerly S-PLUS) Measurements (with both systematic and random errors) added to material flow Variance from errors propagated to estimate sigma-ID IAEA uses a variation on sigma-ID, ID-DZSimulation GUI ConclusionsPython/SimPy an excellent implementation choice Can adjust rapidly to changing designs of facilities Code provides a clear and transparent specification for the object model Runs within acceptable time constraints Easily apply framework to new facilitiesZ Next StepswFurther refine XP practices Move R calculations to Python or interface to R via RPy Apply framework to other facilitiesP%  0` ̙33` ` ff3333f` 333MMM` f` f` 3>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> l(    6$. 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S  07 ``  @*   0= `   B*   0A `   B* H  0޽h ? ̙33 Default Designm 0 0$(  r  S |`p  r  S $` 0   H  0޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +m  0 `$(  r  S ~P   r  S   H  0޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +i  0 p8 (  8r 8 S LP   n 8 C FA.levels_for_powder_prepP0H 8 0޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +m  0 0$(  0r 0 S P   r 0 S   H 0 0޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +m  0 <$(  <r < S tP   r < S 8  H < 0޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +m  0 4$(  4r 4 S hP   r 4 S Ğ  H 4 0޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +m  0   $(   r  S P   r  S X  H  0޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +m  0 @$(  @r @ S 0P   r @ S   H @ 0޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +m  0 $$(  $r $ S (P   r $ S   H $ 0޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +m  0 D$(  Dr D S P   r D S t  H D 0޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +m  0 L$(  Lr L S @P   r L S   H L 0޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +g  0 P(  Pr P S XP   l P C DA,glovebox_accumulationH P 0޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +m  0 H$(  Hr H S @P   r H S   H H 0޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +m  0 T$(  Tr T S pP   r T S   H T 0޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +m  0 Pl$(  lr l S P   r l S p  H l 0޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +B  0 ia `(  `x ` c $(.P  . A ` <\.``@ 'from SimPy.Simulation import * def run(self): initialize() for gbName in Facility._gloveboxes: gbRef = Facility._gloveboxes[gbName] activate(gbRef, gbRef.execute()) activate(self._cleanup, self._cleanup.execute()) activate(self._writeInv, self._writeInv.execute()) simulate(until=self._duration)` 22p 221p 22Fp 22p 221FH ` 0޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +_  0 ~0d(  dx d c $$.P  . ^ d <.``pP  Bdef getGlovebox(cls, gbName): if not gbName in cls._gloveboxes: raise FacilityException(& ) return cls._gloveboxes[gbName] getGlovebox = classmethod(getGlovebox) p 222"p 22p 22p 222(p 222"(  H d 0޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +  0 @hN(  hx h c $&.P  .  h <(.``PP> *class Cleanup(Process): def __init__(self, cleanupTimes): Process.__init__(self, name="Cleanup Process") self._cleanupTimes = cleanupTimes def execute(self): lastCleanup = 0 gloveboxes = Facility.Facility.getGloveboxes() for time, type in self._cleanupTimes: yield hold, self, (time - lastCleanup) for gbKey in gloveboxes: gloveboxes[gbKey].doCleanup(type): lastCleanup = time >p 22Yp 22p 22qp 22Hp 22&p 22p 22>YqH  &    B      H h 0޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +m  0 `p$(  pr p S ?.P  . r p S  . H p 0޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +m  0 pt$(  tr t S I.P  . r t S M. . H t 0޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +m  0 x$(  xr x S Q.P  . r x S R. . H x 0޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +i  0 x(  r  S a.P  . ^  C 6Asimulation_gui dH  0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10i.AഘH+D=' = @B +m  0 |$(  |r | S \P   r | S 4  H | 0޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +m  0 $(  r  S Xe.P  . r  S 0f. . H  0޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +rx0@!)0_,8= E1/6.3;@\GxBDINSlWFL ]_afPijdkw8!( / 0DTimes New Romanll|w 0DSymbolew Romanll|w 0 DArial Unicode MSl|w 0@ .  @n?" dd    /On-screen ShowU Times New RomanSymbolArial Unicode MSDefault Design?Modeling of a Fuel Fabrication Facility Using Python and SimPy*Introduction: Fuel Fabrication Facilities!Introduction: Powder PreparationIntroduction: Safeguards!Introduction: Safeguards (cont.)Introduction: GloveboxesImplementation OptionsImplementation Options (cont.)Python Model: FacilityPython Model: Gloveboxes Python Model: Standard Glovebox8Python Model: Accumulation of By-products in a GloveboxPython Model: Cleanings Python Model: Writing InventorySimPySample Classes: Facility!Sample Classes: Facility (cont.)Sample Classes: CleanupResultsResults (cont.) StatisticsSimulation GUI Conclusions Next Steps  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles_10112259112259.-@Times New Roman-.  2 J-#.-@Times New Roman-.  2 J4), .- / 0DTimes New Romanll|w 0DSymbolew Romanll|w 0 DArial Unicode MSl|w 0@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` ,$@'Z    ?R$eϝdV07M-s,^R$-ql jA^b$;aǕa"y*h 0AA@ _Rʚ;*6ʚ;g4BdBd  0^ppp@ <4!d!d8w 0lXw<4dddd8w 0lXw<4BdBd8w 0lXw80___PPT10 ? %O  =5>Modeling of a Fuel Fabrication Facility Using Python and SimPy??(jJD Doak, Safeguards Systems Group (N-4), Los Alamos National Laboratory Presented at LACSI 2004, 10/12/04 kk)Introduction: Fuel Fabrication FacilitiesDPowder preparation Pellet fabrication Fuel rod fabrication Assembly $E0  Introduction: Powder Preparation Introduction: SafeguardsSigma-ID: essentially the amount of material the operator of the facility is unable to account for ID (Inventory Difference): difference between outputs and inputs with adjustments for inventory changes Sigma-ID: more specifically, the measurement error standard deviation of the ID    Introduction: Safeguards (cont.)zModeling and analysis used to design: Measurements Sub-MBA (Material Balance Area) structure Frequency of balance closures&&U&U Introduction: GloveboxesThe critical abstraction within the model Sealed area within a facility where processing occurs Minimizes contamination from by-productsImplementation OptionsConsiderations: Design changes frequent Clear and transparent models Tried a commercial modeling tool Not well-suited for rapidly making extensive changes to highly-detailed models Difficult to extract model from  blocks and  connections TZ5Z!ZZ5! Implementation Options (cont.)Python/SimPy Quickly make extensive changes Implicit documentation on object model Speed? Data-driven model Avoids type explosion Gloveboxes instantiated from specification files ` MG MGPython Model: FacilityInitializes the simulation, instantiates and then activates all the gloveboxes, and finally starts the simulation Triggers cleanings and writings of inventory Specifies duration of simulation Naming service for gloveboxes Python Model: GloveboxesCFive types of gloveboxes Generator Dummy Sampling Standard NoTarget&++; Python Model: Standard Glovebox(Represents processing gloveboxes Vacuum system for dust recovery Receives material, processes it, ships it on, and accumulates by-products like scrap and holdup Performs regular batches in a 24-hour period Holdup split into equipment and glovebox Scrap and holdup largest contributors to sigma-ID))7Python Model: Accumulation of By-products in a Glovebox  Python Model: Cleanings2Glovebox cleanings scheduled by Cleanup object Routine cleanings (IIV), E.g., changing filters Scrap gathered by vacuum system removed A portion of equipment holdup removed, split into scrap and waste streams Thorough annual cleaning (PIV) Scrap and all of removable equipment and glovebox holdup extractedl_rC_r )Python Model: Writing InventoryThe WriteInv object requests that gloveboxes write their inventories Inventory consists of: Material in cans waiting to be processed Material in process Scrap Equipment holdup Glovebox holdup*\ZdZ\dSimPyDiscreet-event simulation framework in Python Active objects are Processes that access Resources Gloveboxes, Cleanup, and WriteInv are ProcessesSample Classes: Facility  Sample Classes: Facility (cont.) Sample Classes: Cleanup ResultsCEach glovebox records events, e.g., powder_in 1.000000 25.000000 3.000000 48 20.000000 powder_in, material received by the glovebox 1.000000, Pu weight in kgs 25.000000, total weight of can + material 3.000000, simulation time in hours 48, unique identifier of can 20.000000, weight of empty can (i.e., tare weight) @$9$9* Results (cont.)Other recorded events: powder_out, scrap_out, waste, to_be_processed, in_process, scrap_inv, glovebox_holdup, sample_out, and equipment_holdup Using a three year-old Linux box and running the model for an entire year, the simulation runs in less than a minute,]  StatisticsOutput is a series of data files, one for each glovebox Further calculations occur in R (formerly S-PLUS) Measurements (with both systematic and random errors) added to material flow Variance from errors propagated to estimate sigma-ID IAEA uses a variation on sigma-ID, ID-DZSimulation GUI ConclusionsPython/SimPy an excellent implementation choice Can adjust rapidly to changing designs of facilities Code provides a clear and transparent specification for the object model Runs within acceptable time constraints Easily apply framework to new facilitiesZ Next StepswFurther refine XP practices Move R calculations to Python or interface to R via RPy Apply framework to other facilitiesP% 8(    0  P    >*   0     @*   6| _P   >*   6? _   @* H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.!@MrݍQqwl!( / 0DTimes New RomanTT|wܖ 0ܖDSymbolew RomanTT|wܖ 0ܖ DArial Unicode MST|wܖ 0ܖ@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` ,$@'Z    ?R$eϝdV07M-s,^R$-ql jA^b$;aǕa"y*h 0AA@  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Root EntrydO)t! PicturesCurrent User22SummaryInformation(PowerPoint Document(fUDocumentSummaryInformation8@  @@``   #N    ?R$eϝdV07M-s,^R$-ql jA^b$;aǕa"y*h 0AA@ _Rʚ;*6ʚ;g4BdBd  0^ppp@ <4!d!d8w 0lXw<4dddd8w 0lXw<4BdBd8w 0lXw80___PPT10 ? %5>Modeling of a Fuel Fabrication Facility Using Python and SimPy??(jJD Doak, Safeguards Systems Group (N-4), Los Alamos National Laboratory Presented at LACSI 2004, 10/12/04 kk)Introduction: Fuel Fabrication FacilitiesDPowder preparation Pellet fabrication Fuel rod fabrication Assembly $E0  Introduction: Powder Preparation Introduction: SafeguardsSigma-ID: essentially the amount of material the operator of the facility is unable to account for ID (Inventory Difference): difference between outputs and inputs with adjustments for inventory changes Sigma-ID: more specifically, the measurement error standard deviation of the ID    Introduction: Safeguards (cont.)zModeling and analysis used to design: Measurements Sub-MBA (Material Balance Area) structure Frequency of balance closures&&U&U Introduction: GloveboxesThe critical abstraction within the model Sealed area within a facility where processing occurs Minimizes contamination from by-productsImplementation OptionsConsiderations: Design changes frequent Clear and transparent models Tried a commercial modeling tool Not well-suited for rapidly making extensive changes to highly-detailed models Difficult to extract model from  blocks and  connections TZ5Z!ZZ5! Implementation Options (cont.)Python/SimPy Quickly make extensive changes Implicit documentation on object model Speed? Data-driven model Avoids type explosion Gloveboxes instantiated from specification files ` MG MGPython Model: FacilityInitializes the simulation, instantiates and then activates all the gloveboxes, and finally starts the simulation Triggers cleanings and writings of inventory Specifies duration of simulation Naming service for gloveboxes Python Model: GloveboxesCFive types of gloveboxes Generator Dummy Sampling Standard NoTarget&++; Python Model: Standard Glovebox(Represents processing gloveboxes Vacuum system for dust recovery Receives material, processes it, ships it on, and accumulates by-products like scrap and holdup Performs regular batches in a 24-hour period Holdup split into equipment and glovebox Scrap and holdup largest contributors to sigma-ID))7Python Model: Accumulation of By-products in a Glovebox  Python Model: Cleanings2Glovebox cleanings scheduled by Cleanup object Routine cleanings (IIV), E.g., changing filters Scrap gathered by vacuum system removed A portion of equipment holdup removed, split into scrap and waste streams Thorough annual cleaning (PIV) Scrap and all of removable equipment and glovebox holdup extractedl_rC_r )Python Model: Writing InventoryThe WriteInv object requests that gloveboxes write their inventories Inventory consists of: Material in cans waiting to be processed Material in process Scrap Equipment holdup Glovebox holdup*\ZdZ\dSimPyDiscreet-event simulation framework in Python Active objects are Processes that access Resources Gloveboxes, Cleanup, and WriteInv are ProcessesSample Classes: Facility  Sample Classes: Facility (cont.) Sample Classes: Cleanup ResultsCEach glovebox records events, e.g., powder_in 1.000000 25.000000 3.000000 48 20.000000 powder_in, material received by the glovebox 1.000000, Pu weight in kgs 25.000000, total weight of can + material 3.000000, simulation time in hours 48, unique identifier of can 20.000000, weight of empty can (i.e., tare weight) @$9$9* Results (cont.)Other recorded events: powder_out, scrap_out, waste, to_be_processed, in_process, scrap_inv, glovebox_holdup, sample_out, and equipment_holdup Using a three year-old Linux box and running the model for an entire year, the simulation runs in less than a minute,]  StatisticsOutput is a series of data files, one for each glovebox Further calculations occur in R (formerly S-PLUS) Measurements (with both systematic and random errors) added to material flow Variance from errors propagated to estimate sigma-ID IAEA uses a variation on sigma-ID, ID-DZSimulation GUI ConclusionsPython/SimPy an excellent implementation choice Can adjust rapidly to changing designs of facilities Code provides a clear and transparent specification for the object model Runs within acceptable time constraints Easily apply framework to new facilitiesZ Next StepswFurther refine XP practices Move R calculations to Python or interface to R via RPy Apply framework to other facilitiesP%rilElwl!(  !"#$%&'()*+,-./01Oh+'0 hp  PowerPoint Presentation112259126Microsoft PowerPoint@D"@@@;s!Glg  -=  y--$xx--'@Times New Roman-. 62 (Modeling of a Fuel Fabrication ."System9-@Times New Roman-. 62 3Facility Using Python and SimPy.-@Times New Roman-. =2 J$JD Doak, Safeguards Systems Group (N.-@Times New Roman-.  2 J-#.-@Times New Roman-.  2 J4), .-@Times New Roman-. 42 SLos Alamos National Laboratory.-@Times New Roman-. 92 ]!Presented at LACSI 2004, 10/12/04.-՜.+,0 _Rʚ;*6ʚ;g4BdBd 0^ppp@ <4!d!d w 0TXw<4dddd w 0TXw<4BdBd w 0TXw80___PPT10 ? %O  =5>Modeling of a Fuel Fabrication Facility Using Python and SimPy??(jJD Doak, Safeguards Systems Group (N-4), Los Alamos National Laboratory Presented at LACSI 2004, 10/12/04 kk)Introduction: Fuel Fabrication FacilitiesDPowder preparation Pellet fabrication Fuel rod fabrication Assembly $E0  Introduction: Powder Preparation Introduction: SafeguardsSigma-ID: essentially the amount of material the operator of the facility is unable to account for ID (Inventory Difference): difference between outputs and inputs with adjustments for inventory changes Sigma-ID: more specifically, the measurement error standard deviation of the ID    Introduction: Safeguards (cont.)zModeling and analysis used to design: Measurements Sub-MBA (Material Balance Area) structure Frequency of balance closures&&U&U Introduction: GloveboxesThe critical abstraction within the model Sealed area within a facility where processing occurs Minimizes contamination from by-productsImplementation OptionsConsiderations: Design changes frequent Clear and transparent models Tried a commercial modeling tool Not well-suited for rapidly making extensive changes to highly-detailed models Difficult to extract model from  blocks and  connections TZ5Z!ZZ5! Implementation Options (cont.)Python/SimPy Quickly make extensive changes Implicit documentation on object model Speed? Data-driven model Avoids type explosion Gloveboxes instantiated from specification files ` MG MGPython Model: FacilityInitializes the simulation, instantiates and then activates all the gloveboxes, and finally starts the simulation Triggers cleanings and writings of inventory Specifies duration of simulation Naming service for gloveboxes Python Model: GloveboxesCFive types of gloveboxes Generator Dummy Sampling Standard NoTarget&++; Python Model: Standard Glovebox(Represents processing gloveboxes Vacuum system for dust recovery Receives material, processes it, ships it on, and accumulates by-products like scrap and holdup Performs regular batches in a 24-hour period Holdup split into equipment and glovebox Scrap and holdup largest contributors to sigma-ID))7Python Model: Accumulation of By-products in a Glovebox  Python Model: Cleanings2Glovebox cleanings scheduled by Cleanup object Routine cleanings (IIV), E.g., changing filters Scrap gathered by vacuum system removed A portion of equipment holdup removed, split into scrap and waste streams Thorough annual cleaning (PIV) Scrap and all of removable equipment and glovebox holdup extractedl_rC_r )Python Model: Writing InventoryThe WriteInv object requests that gloveboxes write their inventories Inventory consists of: Material in cans waiting to be processed Material in process Scrap Equipment holdup Glovebox holdup*\ZdZ\dSimPyDiscreet-event simulation framework in Python Active objects are Processes that access Resources Gloveboxes, Cleanup, and WriteInv are ProcessesSample Classes: Facility  Sample Classes: Facility (cont.) Sample Classes: Cleanup ResultsCEach glovebox records events, e.g., powder_in 1.000000 25.000000 3.000000 48 20.000000 powder_in, material received by the glovebox 1.000000, Pu weight in kgs 25.000000, total weight of can + material 3.000000, simulation time in hours 48, unique identifier of can 20.000000, weight of empty can (i.e., tare weight) @$9$9* Results (cont.)Other recorded events: powder_out, scrap_out, waste, to_be_processed, in_process, scrap_inv, glovebox_holdup, sample_out, and equipment_holdup Using a three year-old Linux box and running the model for an entire year, the simulation runs in less than a minute,]  StatisticsOutput is a series of data files, one for each glovebox Further calculations occur in R (formerly S-PLUS) Measurements (with both systematic and random errors) added to material flow Variance from errors propagated to estimate sigma-ID IAEA uses a variation on sigma-ID, ID-DZSimulation GUI ConclusionsPython/SimPy an excellent implementation choice Can adjust rapidly to changing designs of facilities Code provides a clear and transparent specification for the object model Runs within acceptable time constraints Easily apply framework to new facilitiesZ Next StepswFurther refine XP practices Move R calculations to Python or interface to R via RPy Apply framework to other facilitiesP%r!w