Yuan Zhao and Ken Kennedy (2001)
Scalarizing Fortran 90 Array Syntax
Department of Computer Science, Rice University, Technical Report(TR01-373), 6100 Main Street, Houston, TX 77005.
Array syntax is an important feature introduced in Fortran 90. Itadds more expressive power to the language by allowing operations and assignments on the array sections. Programmers will benefit from this newfeature directly by writing simple and concise programs. The remaining work isleft to compilers that finally compile these statements with array syntax ontotargeted machines. This compiling process is usually called scalarization. One problem facing Fortran 90 compilers is the temporary arrays generatedduring the scalarization in order to maintain the semantics of the arraysyntax. For many years, techniques have been developed to avoid the use oftemporary arrays in certain cases. In this paper, we will present two newapproaches to improve the scalarization. Our approaches show that in certaincases, the temporary array can be eliminated or reduced, when exact dependenceinformation can be obtained. By doing so, our approaches help improve thememory hierarchy performance on a single scalar machine, in terms of thememory bandwidth.