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by admin last modified 2007-12-11 00:32

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<div class="lastupdated">Last Updated 07 Mar 2003</div>

<h2>File Format: HPCVIEW</h2>

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<p>XML DTD (Document Type Definition): 
<a href="../lib/dtd/HPCView.dtd"><code>${HPCTOOLKIT}/lib/dtd/HPCView.dtd</code></a>.

<p><span class="hpctool">HPCVIEW</span> files serve as configuration
files for <a href="hpcview.html" class="hpctool">hpcview</a>.

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<p>An <span class="hpctool">HPCVIEW</span> document has several

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<span class="xmlcomment">Begin document type.</span>


<span class="xmlcomment">(Optional) A title to appear at top of
the display</span>

<br>&lt;TITLE name="<span class='xmlvar'>my-document-title</span>" /&gt;

<span class="xmlcomment">(Optional) A set of path names can be given
for directories (other than the current one) to be searched for source
files. A path name may be either relative to the current directory
(e.g. <code>./src</code> or absolute (e.g. <code>/home/user01/src</code>).
An `*' (asterick) may be appended at the end of a path
(e.g. <code>/home/user01/src/*</code>) to indicate that 
<a href="hpcview.html" class="hpctool">hpcview</a> should
not only inspect the given directory but also recursively search
every directory that is a descendent of the path.

<!-- <p><span class="xmlcomment">`viewname' attribute</span> -->

<br>&lt;PATH name="<span class='xmlvar'>src-code-directory-1</span>" /&gt;
<br>&lt;PATH name="<span class='xmlvar'>src-code-directory-2</span>" /&gt;

<span class="xmlcomment">(Optional) REPLACE directives can be used
to define one path prefix to operationally match another prefix
occuring in profile data files or in a program structure file.  This
can be particularly useful when trying to compare performance metrics
between machines with different file structures, e.g., because the
executables or the source files are installed in different

<br>&lt;REPLACE in="<span class='xmlvar'>old-path-prefix</span>" 
out="<span class='xmlvar'>new-path-prefix</span>" /&gt;

<span class="xmlcomment">(Optional) A STRUCTURE directive provides
the name of a program structure file (type 
<a href="dtd_pgm.html" class="hpctool">PGM</a>) extracted from the
application binary using the 
<a href="hpc_bloop.html" class="hpctool">bloop</a> tool.</span>

<br>&lt;STRUCTURE name="<span class='xmlvar'>bloop_output.psxml</span>" /&gt;

<p><span class="xmlcomment">
One or more metrics must be defined. A metric may be 1) read from a
file containing a <a href="dtd_profile.html" class="hpctool">PROFILE</a>
document (FILE metric), or 2) computed by specifying a COMPUTE
metric that is a MathML equation in terms of metrics defined earlier
in the <span class="hpctool">HPCVIEW</span> document.  </span>

<p><span class="xmlcomment"> Since 
<a href="dtd_profile.html" class="hpctool">PROFILE</a>'s may
contain multiple metrics, the FILE element has an optional `select' 
attribute to identify a particular metric from the file.  Metrics are 
identified by their `shortName' values from the
<a href="dtd_profile.html" class="hpctool">PROFILE</a> header. 
The default `select' value is `0', which corresponds with the first 
metric in a <a href="dtd_profile.html" class="hpctool">PROFILE</a>
(`shortName' = 0).

<p><span class="xmlcomment">Metric visibility can be controlled by
setting the optional `display' attribute to `true' or `false'.  (One
might read a metric and not display it because it is only useful as
input to some computed metric.) </span>

<p><span class="xmlcomment">The `percent' attribute indicates that
viewers should display a column of percentages computed as the ratio
of the metric for this scope to the metric for the whole
program. Percents are useful when metrics are computed by summing
contributions from descendants in the scope tree, but are meaningless
for computed metrics such as ratio of flops/memory access in a scope.

<p><span class="xmlcomment">Sorting the data by a metric can be controlled
by setting the optional `sortBy' attribute to `true' or `false'. 
The size of the database
and the time needed to create the database are directly proportional to the 
number of sorting metrics. Very often one might want to display multiple 
metrics to view the performance data in parallel, but does not need 
to sort the database by every displayed metric. If all metrics are marked as
non-sortable, the first displayed metric is used by default to sort the 

<br>&lt;METRIC name="<span class='xmlvar'>name1</span>" 
  displayName="<span class='xmlvar'>name-in-display</span>"
  display="<span class='xmlvar'>true|false</span>" 
  percent="<span class='xmlvar'>true|false</span>" 
  sortBy="<span class='xmlvar'>true|false</span>" &gt;

<br>&lt;FILE name="<span class='xmlvar'>file1 of type PROFILE</span>"
   select="<span class='xmlvar'>short-name-in-file1</span>" /&gt;


<br>&lt;METRIC name="<span class='xmlvar'>name2</span>" 
  displayName="<span class='xmlvar'>other-name-in-display</span>" /&gt;

<br>&lt;FILE name="<span class='xmlvar'>file2 of type PROFILE</span>"
   select="<span class='xmlvar'>short-name-in-file2</span>" /&gt;


<span class="xmlcomment">End document type.</span>

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<p>Below is a sample configuration file that shows how a computed
metric expressed as a MathML equation is synthesized as the difference
of two metrics read from
<a href="dtd_profile.html" class="hpctool">PROFILE</a> files.

<p>While all of MathML is parsed, 
<a href="hpcview.html" class="hpctool">hpcview</a>
currently computes only simple algebraic expressions involving
constants and previously-defined metrics, combined with the binary
operators plus, minus, times, divide, max, min, and power

<p>Note that the `select' attribute of the FILE elements is defaulting to

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&lt;TITLE name="heat.single"/&gt;

&lt;PATH name="."/&gt;
&lt;STRUCTURE name="structure.psxml"/&gt;

&lt;METRIC name="fcy_hwc" displayName="CYCLES"&gt;
&lt;FILE name="heat.single.fcy_hwc.pxml"/&gt;

&lt;METRIC name="ideal" displayName="ICYCLES"&gt;
&lt;FILE name="heat.single.ideal.pxml"/&gt;

&lt;METRIC name="ratio" displayName="STALL" percent="false"&gt;
    &lt;ci&gt; fcy_hwc &lt;/ci&gt;
    &lt;ci&gt; ideal &lt;/ci&gt;

&lt;METRIC name="gfp_hwc" displayName="FLOPS"&gt;
&lt;FILE name="heat.single.gfp_hwc.pxml"/&gt;


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