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by admin last modified 2007-12-11 00:34

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  <title>HPCToolkit hpcquick man page</title>

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<p class="lastupdated">Last Updated 14 July 2003</p>

<h2>User Commands: hpcquick(1)</h2>

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<div class="indent">

<p><span class="hpctool">hpcquick</span> 
   -I <i>dir1 dir2 ... dirN</i> 
   [-S <i>structure</i>]
   -P <i>prof1 prof2 ... profM</i>

<p>Location: <code>${HPCTOOLKIT}/bin</code>

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<p><span class="hpctool">hpcquick</span> is a script that simplifies
the process of using <a href="hpcview.html" class="hpctool">hpcview</a>
to correlate performance data with an application's source code. 
Given a list of paths to directories containing interesting
program source code files, an optional program
structure file created by the 
<a href="hpc_bloop.html" class="hpctool">bloop</a> tool, and
a list of profile files, creates an 
<a href="hpcview.html" class="hpctool">hpcview</a>
configuration file and a browsable database in the current directory.
All shell commands are captured into a log file.

<p>Following is a list of the various profile files accepted.  If needed,
they will automatically be converted into the XML
<a href="dtd_profile.html" class="hpctool">PROFILE</a> format (using
the vendor's <code class="xtool">prof</code> tool and the 
toolkit's <a href="hpc_ptran.html" class="hpctool">ptran</a>) 
before <a href="hpcview.html" class="hpctool">hpcview</a> is run.

  <li>binary output from SGI's <code class="xtool">ssrun</code>
  <!-- <code class="xtool">uprofile</code> on the Compaq/Alpha -->
  <li>XML <a href="dtd_profile.html" class="hpctool">PROFILE</a> 
      files from <a href="hpc_xprof.html" class="hpctool">xprof</a>, 
      <a href="hpc_papiprof.html" class="hpctool">papiprof</a> and 
      <a href="hpc_ptran.html" class="hpctool">ptran</a>

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<dd>Print version information.

<dd>configure <a href="hpcview.html" class="hpctool">hpcview</a> to produce
an HTML database

<dd>configure <a href="hpcview.html" class="hpctool">hpcview</a> to produce
an XML database

<dd>exit before producing database (but record command in log file)

<dt>-I <i>dir1 dir2 ... dirN</i>
<dd><i>dir1</i> through <i>dirN</i> specify a list of directories --
either relative or absolute -- containing source code to which
performance data should be correlated.  In order to search for source
files in a directory <i>and</i> recursively inspect all of its
descendents, append an escaped '*' after the last slash, e.g.,
<code>/mypath/\*</code>.  For any functions whose source
code is not found in these directories (e.g., system libraries),
<a href="hpcview.html" class="hpctool">hpcview</a>
will generate a synopsis that shows the presence of the function and
its line extents (if known), but no source code.

<dt>-S <i>structure</i>
<dd><i>structure</i> is a program structure file (XML document of type
<a href="dtd_pgm.html" class="hpctool">PGM</a>) that contains a 
specification of the hierarchical structure of the application
program.  Supplying a program structure file is optional. However, a
structure file must be supplied for 
<a href="hpcview.html" class="hpctool">hpcview</a> to compute and
correlate loop-level performance metrics.  


Structure files are typically 
created using <a href="hpc_bloop.html" class="hpctool">bloop</a> 
to extract the structure information from the executable binary. 

<dt>-P <i>prof1 prof2 ... profM</i>
<dd><i>prof1</i> through <i>profM</i> are names of profile files.


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<ol class="noindent">

<li><p>Assume all of your source code is in <code>../src</code> and you
did several <span class="xtool">ssrun</span> executions in which you
gathered hardware performance counter data (experiments named
<code>"*_hwc"</code>).  Program structure information from 
<span class="hpctool">bloop</span> has been sent to <code>bloop.psxml</code>.
The command </p>

<div class="indent">
  <code>hpcquick -I ../src -S bloop.psxml -P *_hwc.*</code>

<p>will display the profile data with one column per profile file.</p>


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<span class="hpctool">hpcquick</span> runs on any system with a
relatively recent version of Perl.  Depending on the version of Perl
on your system, either the PERLLIB or PERL5LIB environment variable
must be set to point to the Perl library located in
<code>${HPCTOOLKIT}/lib/perl</code>.  The 
<a href="../Sourceme-csh"><code>Sourceme-csh</code></a> and
<a href="../Sourceme-sh"><code>Sourceme-sh</code></a> files set both of these 
variables for <code>csh</code>-based and <code>sh</code>-based shells,
respectivley. </p>

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