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by admin last modified 2007-12-11 00:33

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  <title>HPCToolkit: PROFILE file man page</title>

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<div class="lastupdated">Last Updated 07 Mar 2003</div>

<h2>File Format: PROFILE</h2>

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<p>XML DTD (Document Type Definition): 
<a href="../lib/dtd/PROFILE.dtd"><code>${HPCTOOLKIT}/lib/dtd/PROFILE.dtd</code></a>.

<p>Suggested file extension: `.pxml'

<p><span class="hpctool">PROFILE</span> files are platform-independent XML documents that describe a profile histogram by associating profiling metrics with program source code. A number of tools produce output of this format, including <a href="hpc_ptran.html" class="hpctool">ptran</a> and <a href="hpc_xprof.html" class="hpctool">xprof</a>.

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<p>The format of a <span class="hpctool">PROFILE</span> file should be
fairly self-explanatory.  

Metric counts (M) are embedded within a program scope tree
(essentially identical to the file format 
<a href="dtd_pgm.html" class="hpctool">PGM</a>).  
The program scope tree consists of a program (PGM), load modules (LM),
files (F), procedures (P), loops (L) and statement ranges (S).
Multiple metrics are supported in each 
<span class="hpctool">PROFILE</span>, and thus each 
metric in the scope tree is identified by a short name (`shortName') 
previously assigned in the header information.  (The METRIC elements
of <a href="dtd_hpcview.html" class="hpctool">HPCVIEW</a> files may
also use this short name in the `select' attribute of FILE to identify
one of the many metrics.)  Metric values are reported as number
of events (not samples):

  (samples) * (events/sample)

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<p>The examples below are snippets of 
<a href="hpc_xprof.html" class="hpctool">xprof</a> output.
Note that `n' attributes give names (such as file names, procedure
names, label names), and `b' and `e' give an item's begin and end source
code line numbers, respectively.

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&lt;PROFILE version="3.0"&gt;
name                 hydro.alpha-OSF1.f77
image                2002080915562145afda
path                 hydro.alpha-OSF1.f77
epoch                200209231725
platform             limerick
text_start           0x000120000000
text_size            0x000000010000
&lt;TARGET name="hydro.alpha-OSF1.f77"/&gt;
&lt;METRIC shortName="0" nativeName="cycles" period="126976"/&gt;
&lt;METRIC shortName="1" nativeName="bmiss" period="8192"/&gt;
&lt;PGM n="hydro.alpha-OSF1.f77"&gt;
  &lt;F n="pencilvelp1.f"&gt;
    &lt;P n="pencilbig1_"&gt;
      &lt;S b="122" id="0"&gt;
        &lt;M n="0" v="380928"/&gt;
      &lt;S b="124" id="0"&gt;
        &lt;M n="0" v="3.80928e+06"/&gt;
        &lt;M n="1" v="16384"/&gt;
      &lt;S b="126" id="0"&gt;
        &lt;M n="0" v="9.39622e+06"/&gt;
        &lt;M n="1" v="90112"/&gt;
      &lt;S b="127" id="0"&gt;
        &lt;M n="0" v="6.98368e+06"/&gt;
        &lt;M n="1" v="24576"/&gt;
      &lt;S b="128" id="0"&gt;
        &lt;M n="0" v="8.12646e+06"/&gt;
        &lt;M n="1" v="49152"/&gt;
      &lt;S b="132" id="0"&gt;
        &lt;M n="0" v="9.39622e+06"/&gt;
        &lt;M n="1" v="90112"/&gt;
      &lt;S b="133" id="0"&gt;
        &lt;M n="0" v="5.07904e+06"/&gt;
        &lt;M n="1" v="81920"/&gt;
      &lt;S b="134" id="0"&gt;
        &lt;M n="0" v="1.00311e+07"/&gt;
        &lt;M n="1" v="90112"/&gt;
      &lt;S b="165" id="0"&gt;
        &lt;M n="0" v="1.01581e+06"/&gt;
      &lt;S b="177" id="0"&gt;
        &lt;M n="1" v="8192"/&gt;


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