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by admin last modified 2007-12-11 00:33

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  <title>HPCToolkit: PGM file man page</title>

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<div class="lastupdated">Last Updated 07 Mar 2003</div>

<h2>File Format: PGM</h2>

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<p>XML DTD (Document Type Definition): 
<a href="../lib/dtd/PGM.dtd"><code>${HPCTOOLKIT}/lib/dtd/PGM.dtd</code></a>.

<p>Suggested file extension: `.psxml'

<p><span class="hpctool">PGM</span> files specify program structure,
i.e. they describe the source code structure of a program.  By
default, <a href="hpc_bloop.html" class="hpctool">bloop</a> outputs data
in this format.

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<p>The format of a <span class="hpctool">PGM</span> file should be
fairly self-explanatory.  It is essentially a program scope tree (PGM)
with scopes for load modules (LM), files (F), procedures (P), loops
(L) and statement ranges (S).  Loops may be arbitrarily nested.  The
group (G) element allows one to specify and label aribrary sets of the
above scopes (except PGM) for later reference.

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<p>The examples below are snippets of 
<a href="hpc_bloop.html" class="hpctool">bloop</a> output.
Note that `n' attributes give names (such as file names, procedure
names, label names), and `b' and `e' give an item's begin and end source
code line numbers, respectively.

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&lt;PGM n="../../binaries/smg98/" version="3.0"&gt;
   &lt;F n="/home/eraxxon/DDevelop/HPCToolkit/tests/binaries/smg98/src/struct_linear_solvers/cyclic_reduction.c"&gt;
      &lt;P n="hypre_CycRedSetupCoarseOp" b="225" e="371"&gt;
         &lt;L b="261" e="352"&gt;
            &lt;S b="261" e="261"/&gt;
            &lt;L b="327" e="327"&gt;
               &lt;S b="327" e="327"/&gt;
            &lt;S b="351" e="351"/&gt;
            &lt;L b="352" e="352"&gt;
               &lt;S b="352" e="352"/&gt;
      &lt;P n="hypre_CyclicReductionSetup" b="387" e="722"&gt;
         &lt;L b="468" e="613"&gt;
            &lt;L b="468" e="613"&gt;
               &lt;S b="468" e="468"/&gt;
               &lt;L b="488" e="490"&gt;
                  &lt;S b="488" e="488"/&gt;
                  &lt;S b="490" e="490"/&gt;
               &lt;S b="493" e="493"/&gt;
               &lt;S b="500" e="500"/&gt;
               &lt;L b="503" e="506"&gt;
                  &lt;S b="503" e="503"/&gt;
                  &lt;S b="504" e="504"/&gt;
                  &lt;S b="506" e="506"/&gt;
               &lt;S b="511" e="511"/&gt;
               &lt;L b="514" e="514"&gt;
                  &lt;S b="514" e="514"/&gt;
               &lt;S b="518" e="518"/&gt;


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