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HPCToolkit Documentation: Editing within Netscape/Mozilla Composer
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<title>HPCToolkit hpcviewer man page</title>
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<p class="lastupdated">Last Updated 31 Jan 2003</p>
<h2>User Commands: hpcviewer.jar(1)</h2>
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<p><span class="hpctool">java -jar hpcviewer.jar</span>
<p>(or double click on the <span class="hpctool">hpcviewer.jar</span>
icon in appropriate environments.)</p>
<p>Location: <code>${HPCTOOLKIT}/bin</code> <i>(not included in all distributions)</i>
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<p><span class="hpctool">hpcviewer</span> is a Java program for
browsing the output of
<a href="hpcview.html" class="hpctool">hpcview -x <i>file</i> -h <i>dir</i> ...
</a> The database when using
<a href="hpcview.html" class="hpctool">hpcview</a> in this mode
is orders of magnitude smaller than when generating static HTML in the
`classic' mode.</p>
<p>When <span class="hpctool">hpcviewer</span> starts it presents a
file chooser window. Select the <i>dir/file</i> that was created by
<a href="hpcview.html" class="hpctool">hpcview</a>.</p>
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<p><span class="hpctool">hpcviewer</span> is currently in prototype
status. There is enough functionality to be useful in day-to-day
work, but the tool has a number of bugs that have not yet been corrected.
We hope to be ready do deploy it soon.</p>
<p>The prototype works the the Sun JDK 1.3 and newer distributions.
Due to the variation in the sets of fonts installed on each Unix and
Linux system, <span class="hpctool">hpcviewer</span> may not present
an acceptable display if it is run on one machine and displayed
through the X server on another. We are addressing this problem. In
its current state, best results have been obtained on Windows and
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