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<p class="lastupdated">Last Updated 12 Mar 2004</p>

<h2>User Commands: hpcview(1)</h2>

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<p><span class="hpctool">hpcview</span>
   [-V] [-h <i>dir</i>] [-r] [-u] [-w n] 
   {-x <i>file</i> [-c] [-l]}
   {-z [-o] [-f n] [-m n] [-s n.m]}

<p>Location: <code>${HPCTOOLKIT}/bin</code>

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<p><span class="hpctool">hpcview</span>, the tool at the core of the
HPCToolkit toolkit, takes performance profiles gathered from multiple
sources and combines them into an efficient top-down analysis. It
takes as input a set of profiles (in the XML 
<a href="dtd_profile.html" class="hpctool">PROFILE</a> format),
(optionally) a file describing the hierarchical structure of the
program (in the XML <a href="dtd_pgm.html" class="hpctool">PGM</a>
format), and a configuration file (of type 
<a href="dtd_hpcview.html" class="hpctool">HPCVIEW</a>).  It generates 
an output dataset that is a browsable representation of a hierarchy of
performance data tables and the program source code.</p>

<p>The 'classic' output is a directory full of HTML and Javascript
that provide the look and feel of an integrated performance tool under
commodity browsers (see Notes below).  Optionally, 
<span class="hpctool">hpcview</span> will generate equivalent, but much
more compact, output in the form of an XML-encoding of its internal
representation (a cross between the 
<a href="dtd_pgm.html" class="hpctool">PGM</a> and
<a href="dtd_profile.html" class="hpctool">PROFILE</a> formats) of the data.
This data can be used by downstream analysis tools. In particular,
we have developed an early version of 
<a href="hpcviewer.html" class="hpctool">hpcviewer</a>, a stand alone
performance data browser written in Java.</p>

<p>The environment variables HPCTOOLKIT and LD_LIBRARY_PATH need to be
set correctly.  See the notes at the bottom of this page.</p>

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<dt>-h <i>dir</i>
<dd>Specify the destination directory for all output files. The
default is <code>./hpcview.output</code>

<dd>Enable execution tracing. Use this option to debug path
replacement if metric and program structure information is not being
fused properly matched.

<dd>Leave trailing underscores on routine names alone. 
<span class="hpctool">hpcview</span> normally deletes any trailing
underscore from routine names to avoid problems caused when Fortran
compilers provide inconsistent information about routine names.

<dt>-w <i>n</i>
<dd>Specify warning level. Default warning level is 0.  1 emits
messages when procedure synopses are created.

<dd>Specify the path to a 
<a href="dtd_hpcview.html" class="hpctool">HPCVIEW</a> configuration 
file that specifies what performance data to read, what derived
performance metrics to compute, and how to display them.
Simple <a href="dtd_hpcview.html" class="hpctool">HPCVIEW</a> 
configuration files can be constructed to display a set of
performance metrics using the 
<a href="hpcquick.html" class="hpctool">hpcquick</a>
script. These can be modified by hand to provide custom functionality.
Sample configuration files and scripts for gathering data are in the
directory <code>${HPCTOOLKIT}/examples</code>.




<dt>-x <i>file</i>
<dd>Write XML scope tree, with metrics, to 'file'.  The scope tree can
be used with <a href="hpcviewer.html" class="hpctool">hpcviewer</a>.

<dd>Use source files in original locations.  By default, 
<span class="hpctool">hpcview -x</span> makes copies 
in the output directory (<code>-h</code>) of the source files that
have performance metrics and that can be reached by PATH and REPLACE
statements in <i>configuration_file</i>.  The files are copied to
appropriate `viewname' directories within the output directory.
This produces a self-contained dataset that can viewed in contexts
(e.g., after copying to a new system) that do not have access to the
source in its current position in the file system.  Setting
<code>-c</code> suppresses copying.  Please note if copying is
suppressed, the resulting output is useful only on the original

<dd>By default, the scope tree generated above contains aggregated
metrics at all internal nodes of the scope tree. The <code>-l</code>
option saves space by outputting metrics only at the leaves.  A
<i>future</i> version of 
<a href="hpcviewer.html" class="hpctool">hpcviewer</a> 
will be able to use option, but no current software can.




<dd>Generate static HTML.

<dd>By default, <span class="hpctool">hpcview</span> generates all the 
flattened views of a scope into a single file. This option instructs 
<span class="hpctool">hpcview</span> to generate each flatten view in its
own HTML file, which is the only HTML style supported in the older versions 
of the tool. While the new format is more efficient because it generates 
a much smaller number of files, we still allow the old HTML style in case 
the generated files are too large.

<dt>-f <i>n</i>
<dd>Compute static flattenings only for the top <i>n</i> levels of the
scope tree.

<dt>-m <i>n</i>
<dd>Limit the number of children reported in any scope to the <i>n</i>
with the highest value according to the currently selected performance

<dt>-s <i>n.m</i>
<dd>Suppress reporting for scopes contributing less than <i>n.m</i>
percent of the total cost.


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<li><p>To generate an HTML database in the directory
<code>hpcview-db</code> using the configuration file
<code>hpccfg.xml</code>, execute the command:

<div class="indent">
  <code>hpcview -h hpcview-db -z hpccfg.xml</code>

<p>The HTML index will be in <code>hpcview-db/index.html</code>.


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<p><span class="hpctool">hpcview</span> runs on the following
platforms; the profiling and analysis architectures need not match:


<p><span class="hpctool">hpcview</span> generates databases that
should be browsable by Internet Explorer 5.0+, Netscape 6.2+, or
Mozilla 1.0+ compatible browsers.  (Netscape 4.x can be used, but
because of the browser's limitations, we suggest constructing
performance databases for only modest number of metrics (e.g. 4 or
less) at the same time.)  With one minor exception (in order to support
Netscape 4.x) <span class="hpctool">hpcview</span> generates valid
HTML 4.0 Transitional/Frameset and CSS1/2 style sheets.</p>

<p><span class="hpctool">hpcview</span> uses the HPCTOOLKIT
environment variable, which should be set to the root directory of the
HPCToolkit directory tree.  Also, LD_LIBRARY_PATH needs to
include a path to the Xerces XML parser library.  Once 
HPCTOOLKIT is set, you can set all other variables used 
by HPCToolkit by sourcing either 
<a href="../Sourceme-csh"><code>Sourceme-csh</code></a> 
(for <code>csh</code>) or 
<a href="../Sourceme-sh"><code>Sourceme-sh</code></a> 
(for <code>sh</code> variants).</p>

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<p>We plan to extend <span class="hpctool">hpcview</span>'s analysis
capabilities to support call stack profiles.</p>

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<h3>ALSO SEE</h3>

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<p>For some example configuration files see the directory

<p>The <span class="hpctool">hpcview</span> user interface provides a
<span class="hrefPs">Help</span> link that opens a new window displaying
an on-line <a href="../lib/html/manual.html">manual</a> that 
describes the functionality of the user interface.</p>

<p>See the file 
<a href="../README.ReleaseNotes"><code>${HPCTOOLKIT}/README.ReleaseNotes</code></a>
for some platform specific notes.</p>

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