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<p class="lastupdated">Last Updated 12 Mar 2004</p>
<h2>User Commands: xprof(1)</h2>
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<p><span class="hpctool">xprof</span>
[options] [<i>binary</i>] <i>profile</i> > <i>output.pxml</i>
<p><span class="hpctool">xprof</span>
[options] -p [<i>binary</i>] > <i>output.pxml</i>
<p>Location: <code>${HPCTOOLKIT}/bin</code>
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<p><span class="hpctool">xprof</span> converts various types of profile
output into the PROFILE format, which in particular, associates
source file line information from <i>binary</i> with profile data
from <i>profile</i>. It behaves very much like
<span class="xtool">prof</span> followed by
<a href="hpc_ptran.html" class="hpctool">ptran</a>:
Given profile data as the <i>profile</i> input, it outputs a
<a href="dtd_profile.html" class="hpctool">PROFILE</a> file suitable as
input to <a href="hpcview.html" class="hpctool">hpcview</a>. Output
is sent to standard out.</p>
<p>To find source line information, access to the profiled binary is
required. <span class="xtool">xprof</span> will try to find the
<i>binary</i> from data within <i>profile</i>. If this information
is missing, <i>binary</i> must be explicitly specified.
<p>By default, <span class="xtool">xprof</span> determines a set of
metrics available for the given profile data and includes all of them
in the <a href="dtd_profile.html" class="hpctool">PROFILE</a> output.
<p>Currently <span class="hpctool">xprof</span> processes the output of
<span class="xtool">dcpicat</span>
on Compaq Tru64/Alpha machines, incuding ProfileMe data. Other input
data formats may be added in future versions.</p>
<p>In the future, we hope to modify <span class="hpctool">xprof</span>
to automatically generate data for associated DSO's; until then you
may find the <span class="hpctool">xprofquick</span> script useful.
For usage information, run <span class="hpctool">xprofquick</span>
with no arguments.
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<p>In typical usage, <span class="hpctool">xprof</span>'s
standard output is redirected to the file <i>output.pxml</i>.</p>
<dd>The application binary file for which a
<a href="dtd_profile.html" class="hpctool">PROFILE</a> should be
generated (and the binary used to collect the profiling information in
the file <i>profile</i>).
<dd>Profiling information generated by running <i>binary</i>.
<h4>Options: Listing available metrics</h4>
Note: with these options, <i>binary</i> is optional and will not be read.
<dd>List all derived metrics, in compact form, available from
<i>profile</i> and suppress generation of
<a href="dtd_profile.html" class="hpctool">PROFILE</a> output.
Note that this output can be used with the -M option.
<dd>List all derived metrics, in long form, available from
<i>profile</i> and suppress generation of
<a href="dtd_profile.html" class="hpctool">PROFILE</a> output.
<h4>Options: Selecting metrics</h4>
<dt>-M <i>list</i>, --metrics <i>list</i>
<dd>Replace the default metric set with the colon-separated <i>list</i>
and define the metric ordering. May be passed multiple times. Duplicates
are allowed (though not recommended).
<dt>-X <i>list</i>, --exclude-metrics <i>list</i>
<dd>Exclude metrics in the colon-separated <i>list</i> from either the
default metric set or from those specified with -M. May be passed multiple
<dt>-R, --raw-metrics
<dd>Generate 'raw' metrics, disabling computation of derived metrics. For
some profile data, such as <span class="xtool">DCPI's ProfileMe</span>,
the default is to output derived metrics, not the underlying raw metrics;
this option forces output of only the raw metrics. Should not be
used with -M or -X.
<h4>Options: General</h4>
<dt>-p, --pipe
<dd>Supply <i>profile</i> on stdin. E.g., it is often desirable
to pipe the output of <span class="xtool">dcpicat</span> into
<span class="hpctool">xprof</span>.
<dt>-V, --version
<dd>Print version information.
<dt>-h, --help
<dd>Print version information.
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<ol class="noindent">
<li><p>To send <a href="dtd_profile.html" class="hpctool">PROFILE</a>
information to the file <code>foo.pxml</code> for the program
<code>foo</code> using <span class="xtool">dcpi</span> to collect
cycles and bmiss information, use commands similar to the following:
<div class="indent">
<code>mkdir -p /scratch/dsystem/dcpid</code><br>
<code>setenv DCPIDB /scratch/dsystem/dcpid</code><br>
<code>dcpid -slot cycles -slot bmiss $DCPIDB</code><br>
<code>dcpicat /scratch/dsystem/dcpid/200301251550/limerick/foo_20021124065938e3a278 | xprof -p > foo.pxml</code><br>
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<h3>ALSO SEE</h3>
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<p>See the file
<a href="../README.ReleaseNotes"><code>${HPCTOOLKIT}/README.ReleaseNotes</code></a>.</p>
<p>The <span class="hpctool">xprofquick</span>, described above
briefly, may be helpful.
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